Beauty in simplicity. A minimalist image of a well-known modern building in Bratislava.

From the office

During long workdays, people often stare blankly out the window, unaware of the beauty outside. When I showed my colleagues the photos, they were amazed, saying they had never noticed such beauty. Sometimes, we need to truly open our eyes to fully appreciate what beautiful Bratislava and the world have to offer.

Lea Pestún

student, Slovak University of Technology – Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology in Bratislava
I'm a student of biotechnology. In my free time, I'm engaged in photography and exercise. Photography has been my hobby since elementary school. I regularly take part in amateur competitions such as Trnava Lens and AMFO. My greatest success in photography was an award at the all-Slovak AMFO round. This success encouraged me a lot and therefore I would like to move my photos to better competitions.