"Without water, everything disappears from here. We are only silent witnesses to the change. Forests once full of birds are now silent. The sky is silent," he said. Laci and his wife moved to Lake Kondor 40 years ago to do bird watching work. It's what they have based their lives on. In the meantime, the lake has permanently dried up and the birds have gradually disappeared from the area.

We'll stay even after this land dried out - stories from the Hungarian Great Plain after the historical summer drought (detail)

The Hungarian Great Plain is the country's largest landscape, main source of food production. And most vulnerable to the climate change. Farming is a source of livelihood for the people here. Changing climatic conditions are having an increasing impact on their lives. According to climate forecasts, till 2100, 2/3 of Hungary's territory become semi-desert and making it unsuitable for farming.

Zsolt Balázs

freelance photographer
As an independent photographer his most important angle is that of humanity and objectivity. Several years he has been working on exploring the effects of global climate change in the Great Plain (Hungary) on the environment and he focuses on individuals who are already suffering from the consequences or are threatened in their existence.